Interesting Word Trends Over Time by Google

Google has gone a long way in its quest to digitize every book on the planet that is ever published, amid a stern resistance from some parties. One interesting result out of this humongous project is the ability to study the use of words over time. To see the use of any word over time, just type ‘define *your word*‘ into your Google search bar and expand the top palette from the search result. Most of the trends are shown starting from 1800.

Here are some trends I tried to see. The one for ‘Curiosity’ got me a bit curious. Its usage decline over time made me think that we are indeed learning from the cat that died of curiosity. And how about the topsy-turvy curve for ‘Amharic’? You can’t fight the one for ‘Injera’ too.  🙂

science technology robot curiosity book programming googlepolitics amharic injera

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